Building on years of intensive research in polymers, SUNG JIN Global CO., LTD. embarked on its journey in Silicone and component development and manufacturing in 1994. Since then, our involvement in the electronics sector has only deepened and evolved. Silicone, celebrated for its eco-friendliness, finds its utility in myriad applications – from state-of-the-art tech solutions to everyday utilities. Predominantly, it's utilized as an additive in LCD module Line OLB, PCB bonding, and as thermal gap-fillers in electronics, communication devices, and the automotive sector. At SUNG JIN, our profound Silicone expertise and technical acumen drive our relentless dedication. We strive to match the pace of global leaders, always pushing the envelope in new material development. As we gaze ahead, our commitment remains unyielding: to continuously innovate, anticipating the challenges of the future and crafting solutions for them. Specifically, Sung Jin Europe specializes in international sales and marketing for OCA (Optical Clear Adhesive) sheets, intended for Direct and Optical bonding methods. Housed in our pristine cleanroom facilities, we harness advanced bonding technologies. Our client base spans various sectors across Europe and North America, relying on us either for standalone OCA sheets for their unique optical bonding needs or for our tailored optical bonding solutions. Given our capability to modify OCA sheet properties, we are adept at providing the perfect thickness, adhesive grade, and bonding solutions to ensure peak performance.
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